our story

The dream of opening The Hinge had been bottled up for over twenty years before it was taken from the shelf, dusted off, and now opened for you to enjoy. The dreamer, Dominica Mathiason, walked into her first wine bar in Helena, MT while visiting friends from Carroll College over spring break. She immediately fell in love with the divine experience. It was in that moment that she knew she would someday create such an atmosphere for others. This dream aged through various opportunities that were not of the right timing or circumstance until spring break 2021, when the little vacant building on Old Crouch Road presented itself as available and the time was ripe. Opening a wine bar was vineyards away from her career as a teacher. Nevertheless, Dominica believed that life begins where one’s comfort zone ends. So, with hope in her heart and barrels of courage, Dominica set the process into motion. She has always wanted to call her place “The Cellar Door.” Dominica’s sister, Angelina, a very talented logo designer and artist, was to create the logo for the wine bar. Dominica requested that the logo for The Cellar Door not be the whole door but, rather, just the hinge. Angelina asked, “Why not just call it THE HINGE?” “The hinge” is where everything connects, stays together, and functions. Perfection. Thus, the dream of a place where wine and art connect and where people connect became reality in the small town of Crouch, Idaho. The Story Continues… Tony and Patty Free approached Dominica after learning that she had resigned from teaching and asker her if she would consider selling The Hinge. After talking with the couple, Dominica realized it was a season of change and a good opportunity for her and the soon-to-be retired duo to transition into the next chapter. Thus, a new vintage awaits you at The Hinge.